Standarkan praktik terbaik tim dengan panduan siap pakai untuk proyek dan tugas.
Provide a roadmap for common processes, so teams never miss a beat.
Design every part of your template, from layout to automations.
Choose your template, then automatically assign tasks and due dates with a click.
Use our template library: Kick off work with 80 ready-made templates for common workflows.
Get a head start: Design your own processes with our template builder, then reuse them again and again.
Repurpose what you have: Built something you like? Turn projects and tasks into templates with a single click.
Customize your template: Fill in project tasks, adjust your layout, and set up automations to instantly assign and organize work.
Create project roles: Automatically assign work to the right person, even if your team changes.
Set dynamic timelines: Pre-fill due dates according to your project’s start date or due date, with the option to skip weekends.
Be consistent: Create templates for common task types, from work requests to meeting action items.
Capture what matters: Fill in the task description, apply custom labels, and automatically add your task to specific projects.
Kick off with a click: Instantly assign work and set due dates relative to when you create your task.
See how Asana customers organize their work with these ready-made templates.
Buat mesin automasi Anda dengan fitur tambahan ini. Menyelesaikan lebih banyak pekerjaan dengan lebih sedikit upaya kini jadi lebih mudah.
Tambahkan label ke tugas agar Anda dapat menyortir, memfilter, dan melaporkan pekerjaan secara otomatis.
Lihat bidang kustomStandarkan permintaan kerja agar tim memiliki informasi yang dibutuhkan sejak awal.
Lihat formulirMulai pekerjaan dengan cara yang benar setiap saat. Lihat cara tim Anda dapat menghemat waktu dengan templat Asana.