The Impact Playbook: Motivating employees in a fast-changing world

Employees don’t just want a paycheck, they want to understand why their work matters. Learn how to create a shared sense of purpose on your team.

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Helping employees connect their work to company goals isn’t a nice-to-have—it’s essential for building a resilient work environment. In a fast-changing world, employees don’t want to see their jobs purely as a means to a paycheck (although the paycheck is important). They want to see the impact of their work.

What’s in this ebook?

Learn data-backed strategies to motivate employees, improve company culture, and boost job satisfaction on your team.

More clarity = better employee engagement

Employees want to bring enthusiasm and passion to their jobs. A leader’s task is to harness this, connect team initiatives to your company mission, and create a shared sense of purpose. When it’s clear how day-to-day work ladders up into larger company goals, team members can see why their hard work matters. Learn why this is an important factor to boost employee engagement and create a positive and productive employee experience.

Foster big-picture thinking

Clarity is essential to boost employee motivation, but how do you actually create clarity within an organization? Learn simple ways to connect daily work to goals in three important contexts: organizational communications, team syncs, and 1:1 meetings. That way, everyone can see how their individual work fits in with team and company objectives.

Help team members focus on what’s important

Work about work—tasks like communicating about work, searching for information, and chasing status updates—takes a significant toll on employee performance and employee morale. Instead of letting your team get lost in the weeds, learn how to streamline teamwork, reduce meeting overload, and help team members work towards concrete, achievable goals. By reducing work about work and prioritizing what’s really important, you can improve work-life balance and give co-workers the time they need to produce good work.

Lay a strong foundation during onboarding

When new hires don’t understand the impact of their work, it’s harder for them to find their place within the team and develop a sense of belonging. Over time, this can lead to lower employee retention and employee satisfaction. Learn how to create a best-in-class onboarding process that promotes team building, connects new hires to mentors, and establishes clear milestones for an employee’s first weeks and months on the job.

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