Executive Reporting Guide: Universal reporting for today’s leaders

At any given moment, can you see how your organization is performing in real-time? Are projects on budget? Are big investments paying off? Are bottlenecks slowing the team down? If these things aren’t clear, executive reporting can help.

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What’s in this ebook? 

Learn how executive reporting tools can help demystify business performance—so you can make better, more informed decisions.

Understand the state of your organization’s work

It takes time for stakeholders to manually gather metrics and data sets. Instead of piling onto already full plates and relying on scattered data sources, learn how to create a single source of truth for workplace reporting. That way, your executive team can stay nimble and make data-driven decisions during strategic planning and beyond. 

Explore the true cost of information silos

When information isn’t shared across teams, work can’t run smoothly. Decision-making is harder because project managers don’t have the information they need, initiatives are delayed because you don’t know when deliverables are off track, and workflows are interrupted because team members constantly have to search for information. Understanding these common pitfalls can help you prevent information silos between teams. 

Track work with executive dashboards

Learn how to structure reporting dashboards and graphs to visualize how your organization is progressing towards key performance indicators (KPIs). Streamline reporting processes so leadership teams don’t have to hunt for performance metrics—instead, they can see accurate data at-a-glance with customizable dashboards. And if you’re stuck, check out our dashboard examples for inspiration on how to set up your own executive-level reporting.

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