Break work into bite-size pieces with clear owners and due dates.
Document what needs to be done by when and who needs to do it, so you never miss a beat.
Create approval tasks so teammates can sign off with a single click.
Track the same task in multiple projects, no duplication required.
Describe the work: Format the task description however you want, with hyperlinks, bulleted lists, or tables.
Add context: Attach or embed files so teammates have all the information they need in one place.
Set a due date: Select a specific day and time, or a date range for ongoing work.
Choose who’s responsible: Assign your task to one person, so there’s no confusion about who should do what.
Break it into pieces: Create subtasks—tasks within a task—to outline work with multiple steps or contributors.
Identify blockers: Mark a task as waiting on another task, and automatically notify assignees when they’re unblocked.
Create milestone tasks: Show teammates it’s a critical project checkpoint.
Streamline approvals: Let stakeholders approve, reject, or request changes on a task with a single click.
Create a single work record: Add tasks to multiple projects, so different teams can track work their way.
Loop in teammates: Add collaborators to your task so they get notified when it’s updated.
Talk in the comments: Communicate directly on the task without leaving Asana.
Plan how to work together: Create templates for common task types, from work requests to meeting action items.
Tasks are just the start. Use them with Asana’s other project management features to get more done with less effort.
Dodawaj etykiety do zadań, aby sortować, filtrować i automatycznie raportować pracę.
Zapoznaj się z polami niestandardowymiWyświetl wszystkie zadania w jednym miejscu, aby odpowiednio ustalić priorytety.
Zapoznaj się z listą „Moje zadania”Say goodbye to ambiguity. Specify what needs to get done, so you can move work forward.