Taking care of each other: #teamasana in 2020

January 5th, 2021
5 min read
Taking care of each other: Team Asana article banner image

2020 was a year of change, challenge, and community. We came together as a global team to support our 89,000+ paying customers navigating the changes we all were facing. As teammates, we leaned into our emphasis on real talk, bringing our whole selves to work, and connecting through our employee resource group (ERG) communities. We launched new product features to help global teams collaborate, and unlock the ability of our customers to achieve their missions, faster. Asana’s north star has always been the well-being of our employees and serving our customers. As global teams transitioned to distributed workforces and navigated through unprecedented change this year, our commitment to helping the world’s teams thrive and leading consciously became more important than ever.

To celebrate the resilience and heartitude of our global team in 2020, we’re sharing some of their perspectives on how they supported each other to stay connected, grow, and serve our customers.

Supporting our diverse communities remotely

This year there were so many factors that affected how we showed up to work each day. At Asana we focused on creating an environment where every individual feels like they can bring their whole self to work, no matter what the day throws at them. When employees feel heard, respected, and valued, they can do their best work.

“I have never felt more ‘seen’ and supported in my career than at Asana. As a leader, parent and Latina in tech, I’m encouraged to bring my collective experiences forward and be clear about my values and boundaries, so I can advocate for those who don’t have the same access. I have never had to compromise on my commitments to lifting up others while keeping a sense of humor and joy for what I do intact.” –Steph Hess, Corporate Marketing, San Francisco

“At Asana we’re encouraged to bring our whole selves to work. To me, this means having the psychological safety net in place to feel comfortable sharing the non-work dimensions of my life. These moments of authenticity sprinkled throughout my day allow me to connect fearlessly with my teammates and practice heartitude (one of our core values) in my daily interactions.” –Hanna Metaferia, Professional Services Consultant, San Francisco

Supportive teammates around the world

At Asana, we saw the shift to remote working as an opportunity to double down on building workplace relationships and remote community. This year we focused on keeping our global, distributed team connected from anywhere.

“The people at Asana are incredible. I’ve felt so lucky to work with such a talented and diverse group of people here in EMEA. We’re all enjoying the excitement of growing the company, but at the same time we always manage to take time to share in the wins and enjoy the ride together.” –Abbey Smith, Talent Acquisition, Dublin

“At Asana, we care deeply about the well-being of our teams and provide them with space to feel all of their feelings about everything going on. This meant discouraging folks from booking back-to-back meetings all day, and reinforcing that it’s okay to prioritize a supportive phone call to a friend or parent who needs them.” –Prashant Pandey, Head of Engineering, San Francisco

“I was only in the Munich office for three days before the transition to remote work. Even in the short amount of time that I got real face-to-face connection, I have always felt like a true part of the team and still have been able to make strong relationships and friendships with the team. I can’t wait to get back to the office someday to feel the energy of my teammates!” –Anna Vossschulte, Enterprise Account Executive, Munich

Team Asana

A mission that connects and motivates our team

This year we’ve been fueled by the opportunity to empower even more teams around the world to achieve their biggest goals.

The mission and the people I get to work with is what makes me want to show up every day. The partnerships and collaborative approach we have as a company makes my work so fulfilling. Asana is a place and a product that helps people thrive. I feel lucky to be a part of it.” –Jamie Randolph, Administrative Business Partner, San Francisco

“The work we do every day is allowing teams all over the world, regardless of industry or size, to manage all of their work and achieve complete clarity rather than getting caught up and wasting time doing the ‘work about work.’ We’re given a chance to help build and shape the future of work. I can’t ask for a better opportunity to be a part of.” –Juan Ballinas Rangel, Sales Renewals Executive, San Francisco

Building an essential tool for teams to accomplish their goals

As teams everywhere navigated a new world of work and an uncertain climate, we leaned into the value of Asana more than ever.

“Now more than ever, we need to find creative solutions to help one another overcome the challenges of how teams work together. Tools like Asana make this possible—it’s helped me continue to be effective at my job. I’m so thankful that I get to build, and use a tool that encourages collaboration, empathy, and accountability.” –Jinyoung Chang, Software Engineer, San Francisco

“I led my team to launch our Goals feature, which allows teams to see how goals cascade, and creates clarity on the purpose of everyone’s work. To celebrate we shipped shirts, cookies, and a soccer ball (you know, for ‘Goals’) to every person who helped us toward our launch. We scheduled a video call with everyone who received it for a virtual celebration, packed with toasts, stories, and a live DJ!” –Anirudh Garg, Engineering Program Lead, New York

Asana Zoom screenshot

Supportive community through our ERGs

Over the last year, we’ve continued to ensure that we’re building thriving internal communities. In these inclusive spaces, every single person feels that they can have and share their own unique perspective.

“I never had to ‘come out’ at Asana. From day one, I could show up exactly as I am, with no assumptions. Little details, like seeing preferred pronouns next to everyone’s name, constantly remind me what an open and inclusive place this is. My favorite part of the Team Rainbow community at Asana is seeing how many people outside of the queer community show up as allies, both at events and in conversation. That is really powerful and makes me feel so supported.” –Libby Robinson, Software Engineer, Vancouver

“As an ERG lead, I am able to support the LGBTQIA+ community and be an outspoken mental health advocate at work—two things I never would have dreamed of doing before Asana. This year I had the unique opportunity to launch Asana’s first-ever programming for Mental Health Awareness Month and it was amazing.” –Allie Rubenstein, Talent Acquisition, San Francisco

“The Team Rainbow community has provided me with a safe space to learn about the many faces that make up my community—from allies to community members that don’t share the same pronouns as me. It’s all been a constant learning experience, which empowers me to care for and love my community better.” –Sebastion Gibson, Customer Success, San Francisco

A team that inspires each other to grow and make an impact

“Never stop learning. Take every opportunity you can to participate in tech talks and conferences, and chat with people to expand your network. Don’t forget we’re all human beings—bring your heritage and your smile, and have fun!” –Marinho Moreira, Product Engineer, Vancouver

“Don’t waste energy trying to justify your ‘atypical’ experience. The diversity of backgrounds is part of what positions the next generation of tech leaders to be so successful. Focus on identifying your unique skill set and determine what you want to capitalize on next.” –Jocey Karlan, Product Lead, San Francisco

“Have grit, be passionate, and don’t get discouraged. You can’t beat commitment and persistence.” –Steve Morin, Head of Mobile Engineering, San Francisco

Employee blog tweets

Kick-start your New Year and join #teamasana

Join us to make an impact and discover a future filled with opportunities and growth. We’re looking for collaborative, mission-driven people to be part of our journey building the future of work. Kick-start your year by exploring our open positions around the world!

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