Announcing Premium Workspaces for Asana

April 24th, 2012
2 min read
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Almost 6 months ago, we opened Asana to everyone. Teams up to 30 members could join a shared Workspace, and coordinate their efforts faster and more fluidly than ever before. Since our launch, tens of thousands of these teams have trusted Asana to help them do great things, in industries as varied as disease research, mobile networks, professional football, and software development.Many have told us that in this short time, Asana has become the backbone for their teams’ work and transformed the way they communicate. We especially appreciated the marriage proposals ;)

Many have told us that in this short time, Asana has become the backbone for their teams’ work and transformed the way they communicate. We especially appreciated the marriage proposals ;)

We think Asana has been this well received because it connects with the yearning in all of us to achieve our goals and actualize our dreams. In this way, Asana is just a small piece of something much bigger. We are all contributors to the biggest and most important project of them all: defining, shaping, and realize our collective future. We built Asana because we feel strongly that the best way we can contribute to the world is to help others contribute to the world.

Asana is helping teams with important missions be faster, focused, and more efficient. It’s done this because we’ve stayed true to our core design principles: Asana is fast, flexible, and powerful. As Foursquare’s Noah Weiss says, “Speed was the killer feature that got everyone on board. Since Foursquare moved over to Asana, everyone — engineer, designer, bizdev, and in between — has two websites perpetually open: their inbox and Asana.”

To date, people have created 10 million Tasks in Asana. Even more excitingly, they’ve already completed 4 million of them. Teams consistently tell us that Asana is the first productivity product that has stuck — and, indeed, 75% of the people who have adopted Asana are still using it. Harrison Shoff explains why he loves using it at Airbnb: “Asana feels like I’m working with a low-friction, smart piece of paper.”

Asana for larger teams

Since our launch last November, many small teams using Asana at larger companies have spread the word to other departments in their organization, until their colleagues benefitting from Asana number in the hundreds. They’re now eager to collaborate in groups larger than 30, and in many cases to roll Asana out to their entire company, providing the unified collaboration space for their business.

So starting today, we are making Asana available to teams larger than 30 through Premium Workspaces. Any team can upgrade their existing Workspace to a Premium Workspace, which offers:

  • More Workspace members – upgrade to a higher tier of members, starting at just $300/month for up to 50 teammates. Tiers of 75, 100, or more members are also available.

  • Project-level Permissions – share private Projects with a small group within your Workspace, so exactly the right people see the Projects they need to see.

  • Priority Support – questions and issues from customers in Premium Workspacess get a faster response from our outstanding support team.

Of course, the same Asana that has been available since we launched will continue to be free, continue to offer unlimited Tasks, Projects, and attachments for up to 30 members, and continue to improve every week. This launch is about enabling even larger teams to accomplish their shared goals and coordinate their collective action with less effort.

Teams under 30 can also upgrade to a Premium Workspace to enjoy the benefits of Project-level Permissions and Priority Support for just $100/month.

Asana has always been a labor of love for us, and we think you’ll love using it. We look forward to hearing what you think about Premium Workspaces — and seeing what they help you create.

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