Introducing Asana: The Modern Way to Work Together

November 2nd, 2011
2 min read
Asan's mission statement image

We’re thrilled to announce that, starting today, Asana is openly available to everyone. Visit to create your account, and try it out for yourself, or with your team.

Asana is a modern web application that keeps teams in sync, a shared task list where everyone can capture, organize, track, and communicate what they are working on in service of their common goal. Rather than trying to stay organized through the tedious grind of emails and meetings, teams using Asana can move faster and do more — or even take on bigger and more interesting goals.

We began our private beta a year ago, and today thousands of people in hundreds of organizations are relying on Asana to organize their teams and their tasks, and to do some truly great things. They range from software start-ups to vaccine researchers, electric car manufacturers, political campaigns, sports agencies, and film producers. They’ve told us that Asana helps them spend more time doing the work that matters, instead of tracking down loose ends and doing ‘work about work’.

Emerald Therapeutics, a biotech company, is a perfect example. Says CEO Brian Frezza: “Asana allowed us to eliminate the endless meetings and prowling of the office/lab necessary to be up on everything that had spun out of control and was monopolizing our time. I’d estimate conservatively that our management time has dropped down to about 25% of our expenditure thanks to Asana, which lets us keep everyone’s vectors aligned while still allowing us to be full time contributors to the science.”

How Asana Works:

Asana re-imagines the way we work together by putting the fundamental unit of productivity – the task – at the center. Breaking down ambitious goals into small pieces, assigning ownership of those tasks, and tracking them to completion is how things get built, from software to skyscrapers. With Asana, you can:

  • capture everything your team is planning and doing in one place. When tasks and the conversations about them are collected together, instead of spread around emails, documents, whiteboards, and notebooks, they become the shared, trusted, collective memory for your organization.

  • keep your team in sync on the priorities, and what everyone is working on. When you have a single shared view of a project’s priorities, along with an accurate view into what each person is working on and when, everyone on the team knows exactly what matters, and what work remains between here and the goal.

  • get the right information at the right time. Follow tasks, and you’ll receive emails as their status evolves. Search, and you’ll see the full activity feed of all the discussions and changes to a task over its history. Now, it’s easy to stay on top of the details — without asking people to forward you a bunch of email threads.

Some of our customers have said they’ve tried many different tools to make their teams more productive, but Asana is the only one that’s actually stuck. They typically identify these key differences in the Asana approach:

It’s ridiculously fast. Thanks to our in-house “Luna” technology, Asana is as responsive and lightweight as a text editor. Plus, by obsessively minimizing the number of clicks required to get things done, along with powerful keyboard shortcuts, Asana lets you manage your most important information with ease.

It’s versatile. Asana is one tool for many uses – from simple to-do lists, to complex projects, and more. It doesn’t force a single workflow, so you can mold it to your own processes and style.

It’s for the individual, too. Asana is the place to organize your own task list. In doing so, you automatically communicate what you’re prioritizing and everything you’ve done. By being the tool that individuals are using day in and day out, the team as a whole can trust it as the source of truth. We think Asana becomes the best group productivity tool by also being the best personal productivity tool.

Lastly, Asana is free. Asana is and will remain free for teams with up to 15 members, and you can use Asana with as many of these teams as you want.

Asana continues to be a labor of love for us, and we think you’ll love using it. We look forward to hearing what you think — and seeing what it helps you create.

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