My tasks

See all your assignments in one place, so you can prioritize what’s next.

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Sort your work your way icon

Sort your work your way

Organize your assignments into custom sections according to due date, priority, and more.

Make it automatic icon

Make it automatic

Instantly sort tasks with custom automations—no maintenance required.

Install integrations icon

Install integrations

Manage your work seamlessly across different tools, like calendar and email.

My tasks in Asana
Personalize your task list icon

Personalize your task list

  • See what’s new: Find incoming work in the Recently Assigned section. 

  • Sort and prioritize: Add, rename, or rearrange custom sections to organize tasks however you want. 

  • Switch between views: Visualize your work as a list, calendar, timeline, or Kanban board.

Make it seamless icon

Make it seamless

  • Organize automatically: Create rules to instantly sort tasks into sections as they’re assigned or changed. 

  • Reduce app switching: Integrate tools like Zoom, Slack, and Clockwise, so you can capture action items and focus in one place.

Put it all together

My tasks is just the start. Use it with these features to stay on top of your work, no matter what.

See all features

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Check it off your list

There’s nothing more satisfying. See how your team can use my tasks to organize assignments and never miss a beat.

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